Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When Was the Last Time You Were Moved to Tears?

Today I saw one of the most incredible things I've seen in a long time. Susan Boyle, a woman in Britain, auditioned for the British version of American Idol in "Britains Got Talent."

Susan is a 47 year old woman, who has never even been kissed. She lives in a village in Britain and she sings. She's frankly plain, with some extra weight, and bushy eyebrows. Before she went on stage, she told the camera crew: "I've always wanted to perform in front of a large audience. I'm going to make that audience rock!" At this point, I'm sure people were thinking "Yeah, right! Good luck, sweetie!"

When she walked out onto the stage, the audience laughed at her, and laughed at her answers to Simon Cowell's questions. Even Simon rolled his eyes. Still, she seemed unfazed. He asked her what her dream was. She said to be a professional singer. The audience groaned.

But then she opened her mouth to sing. The audience and the judges went from disbelief to fan in less than 3 seconds! It was the most incredible transformation I have ever seen in my life.

From freak to goddess in 3 seconds.

Her choice of song: "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables.
The audience rose to their feet midway through the song and stayed there the rest of the song, clapping and cheering. A standing ovation.

I was sobbing at the beauty of it all. Susan Boyle glowed when she sang. She held the audience in her hand. This woman, who was really very plain, and rather awkward, was amazing.

She was sharing her gift with the world, without fear, without any of the inner conversation of "I can't" or "I'm too old" or "I'm not pretty enough." None of that. She came. She sang. She conquered.

Truly one of the most stunning things I've seen in my life. Susan Boyle is my heroine. May I have the courage to share my own magnificence with the world, even when the world laughs at me.

Thank you, Susan, for your courage, for your integrity, and for your incredible beauty!

To see this video for yourself please go to:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lightening the Load

Yesterday, I spent the entire day working online - not an unusual experience recently, but a good bit of it was frustrating to me as I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong while working on my new webpage, While the links were working, they were also disappearing from the page any time I tried to insert a paragraph. Since I don't think in html code, I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

So, for several hours, I got it to work, then it didn't. Then it did, then it didn't. I even called in the Magnificent Mande (well, that's what I call her; she says it makes her sound like a magician - works for me!), and she got it to work. (See! Her name is appropriate.) Then when I went to format the text, half of it diappeared AGAIN!

I finally let it drop, and decided I needed to go take care of myself. I went to the pool (my favorite method of exercise and relaxation), and just immersed myself in the quiet of the water, the blue of the sky, the glory of the setting sun, the call of the birds, the rustling of the wind through the palm trees, and the rhythmic movement of my body and breath. Afterward, I sat in the hot tub (yeah, I know, tough life!), and melted into the warmth. I could feel the tension leaving my body as I moved myself into a meditative state.

On the way home, I surreptitiously did a little tapping on the frustration of working on something I feel so challenged with. As I felt more peaceful, I thought "Well, maybe I can figure this stuff out." (That's the beginning of the reframe that occurs when ya tap, by the way.)

I wondered why I hadn't done this tapping thing earlier.

Those of you who tap regularly (EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique) probably know what I am talking about. You know it works. You know it is easy to do. You know it is powerful. And EFT has been in my life - significantly - for seven years. Yet...

So what is that?

I think it has to do with the fact that we don't always do what we know is good for us. For example, how many days do I drink all the water my body needs? (Sometimes, not all.) And how often do I brush my teeth after every meal? (Uh... never!) So, why would I tap every time I'm frustrated or tired, or annoyed, or triggered? Why would I expect myself to?

Still, I do. I expect myself to do it because I teach this stuff. I use it all the time. It has changed my life. And I've seen what it does in other people's lives. And, I'm human. I get caught up in the moment and in the emotion of the moment, and I forget to tap. But when I remember ... ahhh, well, then I feel the release of the energy and the relief from the situation. Sooooo nice.

So. Have you tapped today? What are you waiting for?
