Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When Was the Last Time You Were Moved to Tears?

Today I saw one of the most incredible things I've seen in a long time. Susan Boyle, a woman in Britain, auditioned for the British version of American Idol in "Britains Got Talent."

Susan is a 47 year old woman, who has never even been kissed. She lives in a village in Britain and she sings. She's frankly plain, with some extra weight, and bushy eyebrows. Before she went on stage, she told the camera crew: "I've always wanted to perform in front of a large audience. I'm going to make that audience rock!" At this point, I'm sure people were thinking "Yeah, right! Good luck, sweetie!"

When she walked out onto the stage, the audience laughed at her, and laughed at her answers to Simon Cowell's questions. Even Simon rolled his eyes. Still, she seemed unfazed. He asked her what her dream was. She said to be a professional singer. The audience groaned.

But then she opened her mouth to sing. The audience and the judges went from disbelief to fan in less than 3 seconds! It was the most incredible transformation I have ever seen in my life.

From freak to goddess in 3 seconds.

Her choice of song: "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables.
The audience rose to their feet midway through the song and stayed there the rest of the song, clapping and cheering. A standing ovation.

I was sobbing at the beauty of it all. Susan Boyle glowed when she sang. She held the audience in her hand. This woman, who was really very plain, and rather awkward, was amazing.

She was sharing her gift with the world, without fear, without any of the inner conversation of "I can't" or "I'm too old" or "I'm not pretty enough." None of that. She came. She sang. She conquered.

Truly one of the most stunning things I've seen in my life. Susan Boyle is my heroine. May I have the courage to share my own magnificence with the world, even when the world laughs at me.

Thank you, Susan, for your courage, for your integrity, and for your incredible beauty!

To see this video for yourself please go to:


Dr. Mark L. Woods said...

Ah yes, there go the voices in my head again, telling me that I am 'too poor', 'too weak', 'not talented enough', 'not sufficient', 'not adequate to the task' -- then this woman comes along and with a few notes she blows my excuses out of the water!

Well, said, Anne, you are a beautiful writer.

Unknown said...

It was an amazing performance!! I'm glad for all who've had the privilege to listen to her and see her! She TOTALLY rocked the audience!!

Jean Maurie said...

She certainly was/is an inspiration! Everyone is talking about the performance and it's all over the internet. I liked your blog about it. In fact I like all your blogs.

^I^ angel hugs,

Rev Sharon said...

Beautifully said, dear Anne. Freak to Goddess in 3 seconds, indeed. The video gave me chills, and your writing did as well.

Giovani said...

Hi, Rev Anne!

Thank you, for a truly thrilling moment!

Actually, I heard someone discussing this at the Law Of Attraction Meetup in San Antonio, Texas, but didn't really know what they were talking about. Now, I see what all the fuss was about!

And, a righteous fuss it is! Hahaha! A beautiful moment for the human spirit, Rev Anne. Yes! We are capable of all the beauty that can be, whether we seem it, at any moment, or not.

Sunshine & Blessings,