Friday, January 30, 2009

Law of Attraction: What’s It All About?

There’s a buzz going around about the new phrase “Law of Attraction.” Well, it’s actually not so new; it’s been around for about 20 years in the Abraham-Hicks’ work, but it was recently made popular by the movie “The Secret.” Since the movie came out in 2006, numerous books have popped up, talk shows have been filled with guests, the web is alive with articles – all about the Law of Attraction – and there has been an increased desire to understand how this actually works.

So, what’s it all about then? And, why should I learn how this works?

Basically, the Law of Attraction (LOA) states: “that which is like unto itself is drawn.” This statement seems obvious. But how does this LOA apply in my everyday life? Does this mean that if I’m nasty to someone else, they’re going to be nasty to me? Well, not necessarily that same, exact person. But you will draw to you people who will be nasty to you if you are nasty to others. That sort of goes without saying, right? Law of Attraction is more about your vibration, your energy, your beliefs. It’s about what you are putting out into the world, and what you are getting back.

If you believe it’s ok to be nasty to others, you will draw to yourself others who believe it is ok to be nasty to you. If you believe it’s important to be kind and generous to others, you will draw to yourself others who believe it is important to be kind and generous to you, as well. But here’s where it gets tricky. What if you believe it’s important to be kind and generous to someone, but you still get someone who is nasty to you? Wazzup with that?

This is where self-awareness is so important. Who are you, really? What do you believe? How – and what – do you think? You may answer, “Well, I believe it’s important to be kind and generous.” Ok. That’s your overall belief. Now, let’s look to see if you have some exceptions to this. Perhaps you have a belief that is something like, “In certain situations it’s ok to be unkind.” Or perhaps you have another belief that says something like “I can’t be nice all the time, then people would walk all over me.”

Perhaps there’s a fear inside that says “I’m afraid people will be mean to me.” Or, perhaps you’ve been saying for some time, “I really hate it when people are mean to me!” (By the way, the more intensely you feel something, the more quickly you draw it to you.) Any or all of these thoughts are vibrations which emanate from you and draw to you those situations or people in your life.

This is why it is so important to pay attention to what you are putting out into the world through your beliefs. If you want to know what you really believe, take a look at your life. Seriously. Let me say that again: if you want to know what you really believe, take a look at your life. Look at how people treat you, and with self-awareness, trace it back to what you believe or feel. Then clean that up. Change those thoughts, change those beliefs and change your life.

Right now, as I type this, I have a belief that has been running the show. My belief is “This is just too much to explain in a short blog. Who are you kidding?! There are entire books written on this, and you’re going to try to say how it works in this blog? Yeah, right!” I started writing this an hour and a half ago, got stuck and so I stopped, talked on the phone, played a game of Spider Solitaire to help me get my mind off trying to figure it out, and then I came back.

Because I’ve spent time becoming aware of what I think as I think it and paying attention to those thoughts, I am aware that I was struggling with writing this blog. Well, guess what? My beliefs were running the show and I was having a hard time figuring out where to go with this to keep it concise and to the point.

And yet … that is actually my whole point. Right there. Because I have a belief (and, by the way, some accompanying negative emotion about that belief), it was manifesting into my experience pretty much immediately. And…

What I don’t have is a belief that writing a blog is hard (or rather, I do have a belief that writing a blog is easy and fun). Therefore, that belief is also contributing to this experience, significantly. Both beliefs are there, both are kicking around, and while the negative ones had some power for a while, the other, more positive – and stronger – belief won out.

If you want to know what you really believe, take a look at your life.

Soon, very soon, I’m going to talk about how we can change our beliefs through using EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique), and some other useful tools. For now, however, pay attention to what’s going on inside and to know that you can change those beliefs to more empowering, useful, and positive ones, so that you can intentionally create your life from a more positive, very effective place.

That’s what’s in it for you.


Unknown said...

Great post Anne! Mind if I reference it on my own blog?

Anonymous said... are so good; and such a pleasure to read! Thanks for the ongoing inspirations...

RevAnne said...

Danielle - absolutely! I'm honored, and Judi (anonymous), thank you!