Thursday, February 12, 2009

What are You Dreaming About?

When I was younger, I thought that all my dreams would come true. (Well, mostly anyway.) Once upon a time, I had a dream of being a veterinarian, and that dream was the impetus for me to go back to school. After several years of attending community college at night and working full-time during the day, that dream began to fade into the background as I replaced it with another: being a mom.

My mommy hunger grew in my late 20s and I began to read books about being pregnant and having children, and I began to talk with other women about their experiences with their babies. I even attended the national La Leche League conference in Washington, DC. I was never so alive with the beauty of my dream as I was there! Nursing babies were everywhere, and the hotel was alive with moms, babies and toddlers. There were books on parenting the La Leche League way: natural births (even home births), nursing and baby-led weaning, staying home with your baby, the family bed, homeschooling, and so much more.

I then became even clearer about what my new dream was. (You could say that gaining this new information gave me even more clarity.) I wanted a baby and I wanted to stay home with her.

Ultimately I did, but not before some serious soul searching and some letting go of other ideas. I now tell my daughter and her father that some of the greatest gifts I received in my life were 1) her being born and 2) my staying home with her.

A year or so after Christina was born, I decided I wanted to learn photography. So I enrolled in the Corcoran School of Art in DC. I discovered I loved it and was pretty good. This new awareness gave me new clarity about how to resolve another issue I was having: money (or the lack thereof).

So, I created a new dream of having a photography business. I put a darkroom in our home and opened up my business photographing children and their families. Some of my photos actually made it into Mothering Magazine (a national magazine) and some even won awards!

Through the course of my life I have created new dreams, achieved some of them and let go of others. And I have had some yanked from me as I held on as tightly as I could. (Those ended up being some very painful losses.)

As I have grown in maturity and consciousness, I realize that dreams have an energy which must be fed if they are to come into fruition. They need our attention, our love, our hope, our joy. They need our vision, and our action. And often, we must let go of something if we are to truly have our dream.

As we achieve a dream, we enjoy it for a while, but then we begin to gain new awareness, new ideas, new visions, new dreams or new variations on the current dream.

It's rather like the process of finding your mate. Through the process of sifting through the people you date, have a significant relationship with, or even marry, you gain clarity about what it is you truly want. But whether or not you manifest it depends upon you.

Can you hold the vision, or do you give up?

Do you believe you can have what you want, or do you settle?

Usually, it's a little of both, I think.

So, how hard is it to achieve your dream? I believe that depends upon how much "stuff" you have about whether or not you can achieve it. (The "stuff" is your beliefs, your thoughts, your attitude - and how strong those believes and thoughts and attitude are.)

Your dreams are given to you by Spirit and they are calling you to them. When you feel light and happy about your dreams, you are in alignment with them and you have little resistance to the dreams. However, when you are feeling frustrated, or hopeless, or weary about your dreams, you are out of alignment with them and turned away from Spirit.

For me, this is where tools come in. Tools like EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique), or learning how to work with your beliefs, how to shift and reframe those thoughts and attitudes. The more you apply those tools to your everyday life, to your conscious thoughts and beliefs, the more you will move forward in achieving your dreams.

Your dreams are waiting for you. Now (right here, right now, not tomorrow, not later today ... now) is the time to clear away your stuff so that you can have what you dream about.

You can have it. Really.

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