Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Have You Tapped Today?

I had the opportunity to tap today on some issues I'm having with feeling overwhelmed with the new way I am setting up my business/practice. Basically, I began by simply acknowledging what's so. "Even tho I'm feeling overwhelmed and I have no idea what to do next, I deeply & completely love & accept myself."

Just tapping helped shift the feelings. Then, as the feelings began to subside, new ways of organizing what needs to be done next began to show up in my mind, and I was able to re-focus on what's next.

This will work for anyone on any issue. If you just tap a little bit on what's happening for you right here, right now, you'll find that it will begin to shift the stuff that is gripping you, and new thoughts can then take the place of the overwhelm.

(It's sort of like cleaning your closet, if you will.)

So, have you tapped today?

1 comment:

Giovani said...

Hi, Rev Anne!

Thanks, for that observation!

I was just starting to see in that direction, today! It's funny, because everyone teaching EFT says to do that. Still, I guess I just had some fear issues to deal with, clouding my vision. Stuff right in front of me was blurry and confused.

It's extremely helpful to see that particular point dealt with, somewhere--by itself! :O)

I really appreciate the way you deal with EFT. Answers can seem as daunting as challenges, you know. I just wanted you to know you make a difference to me.

Sunshine & Blessings,