Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Trusting Your Intuition, Part 3

My daughter, Christina, and I headed to Miami in May, 2001. We drove down, and met up with a family friend close to Miami. Christina was going to stay with her friends on the West Coast while I attended the workshop. What a gift that was!

I got settled into my hotel room that Sunday afternoon. The course began the next morning, and I was so excited I could attend!

That week, Doreen taught us about our connection to Spirit, and how to clear our energy fields so that we could be more aware of our connections. Mid-week we began to give readings to one another using Doreen's angel cards, which we had cleared and dedicated to Spirit's use. Then came, for me, the biggest intuitive hit, which led me to really "get" what this intuition thing was all about.

On Thursday morning, Doreen had us do readings for one another without knowing who the other person was. We were to write a question on a piece of paper, fold it up and hand it in. Before we handed it in, we had to write our row (A, B, C...) and our seat number on that paper (and remember where we were sitting). Then we switched seats. The questions were mixed up and handed out to the class. We were to get quiet, ask the question for the other person, and then write down the answers on the same piece of paper, then turn them back in.

For some reason, this seemed harder to me than having someone sit across from me. We were not to use the angel cards, but rather to trust what information we got for the other person. (I now know that one of my strengths is to read someone's energy, which I had been doing with the person across from me, but this was different, more removed. Now it is just as easy to read someone's energy this way, but then, not so much.)

I received the other person's paper. The question was something like "What is next for me to do? This, or this?" I got quiet and then began to write what came to me. It was easier than I thought. I wrote what came to me and it flowed. Then I received the instructions to write "And you will know, my son, ..."

What? Wait. No. Uh-uh. I began to argue with the angels. "I'm NOT writing 'my son,'" I said. The urging came back stronger. "NO!" I shouted in my head. "There are 10 men here out of 125 total attendees. Are you kidding? What if I'm wrong?!" The urging came back stronger.

Oh, jeez, what to do?

After debating for a few minutes, I acquiesced and wrote "my son." Then I finished it up and handed the paper back in.

We all got back into our regular seats and got the answers back. Then went to lunch.

At lunch, I went to the large round table and a number of people joined me. We all talked about the reading we had just given using automatic writing. A guy was there with his wife and he began to talk about what he had gotten.

"I was thinking yeah, yeah, as I read it," he said. "I wasn't taking it that seriously, until I came to 'my son' and it stopped me cold. I knew that this had been written by Spirit because I always heard that in my meditations. I then re-read the reading and really heard what it was saying. It was so accurate!"

"Oh, my gosh," I stammered, after having dropped my fork in my salad. "I wrote that!" I shared with the group how it kept coming to me to write "my son" and how I had argued with the angels about writing it, but finally had written it.

They looked at me like I had just levitated! Not only had I written this - and trusted my intuitive hit - I had also had that hit confirmed almost immediately. Of all the places this guy and his wife could have sat, he sat directly across from me at our lunch table. We had never met before, and hadn't sat together at any meals in this class. Only Spirit could have orchestrated such a perfect "coincidence!"

This experience was the solid "Aha!" experience I had in that class. It was amazing and it anchored for me what it felt like to receive information from Spirit and what fear felt like in the face of that information. It was an incredibly useful experience that has served me so well in continuing to develop my intuitive abilities. Well worth the expense of the class, by the way!

How have you connected to Spirit today? Are you listening to the gentle, yet firm, inner urges to do something? Are you paying attention?

Begin today by saying "I trust my intution." Doreen taught me that affirmation. Believe me when I say that when I first started saying it I didn't believe it at all. I felt like I was lying. Now, 8 years later, it is congruent with who I am.

This is the process of affirmations, by the way, which we will begin to cover in some upcoming blogs.

For now, though, create a wonderful day, and TRUST your intuition! It will never guide you astray!

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