Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A New Direction

Writing a blog is great. At least, that's what I've discovered. However, the part that has had to unfold for me is "What's the purpose of the blog?"

When I first started blogging, I wasn't quite sure about what to write about. So, I thought, "what the heck, I'll just write about whatever I'm thinking about." Well, that worked for a little bit, but frankly, I began to feel I needed more focus.

As I began to get more and more clear about how I am moving forward in my work, I decided that the blog also needed to get clearer and clearer about it's intention.

Thus, I am announcing today that my blogs, from now on, are going to be focused more and more on how to use EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique) in your life.

I've been using this technique for almost 7 years now. After I went through that awful trauma in 2000, I sought healing from just about every place I could find it. While lots of things helped, nothing seemed to be lasting. I still got triggered by things, and would find myself in grief and angry about what had happened.

In 2002, I was introduced to EFT. It took me a while to actually believe that EFT could make a difference, but finally I decided to train in it.

In one day - let me repeat that, ONE DAY - the emotional stuff I had been carrying for 2 1/2 years was gone. GONE. I was so astonished that feelings like anger, hurt, betrayal, frustration, guilt, shame, yes, even rage, could be dissipated like that. Yet it happened.

From that point on, I learned everything I could about EFT. (You can learn more @ the main EFT website, www.emofree.com, if you like.) I began to use it with my clients, and witnessed some amazing emotional shifts with them, as well. All sorts of traumas were soothed and healed.

I completely changed and recreated my life, using this wonderful tool. And life is 160 degrees different from what it was in 2000, when the trauma occurred.

I am so incredibly grateful to Gary Craig, the creator of EFT, for making this tool available to everyone.

Thank you, Gary, from the bottom of my heart!


Giovani said...

Hi, Rev Anne!

Thanks, for your blog!

It's great to discover constructive sites on the Net. I'm running into more and more EFT practitioners. And, I love the excitement it seems to generate.

I use it a little, myself, and am sure I'll get more out of it as my understanding develops.

I see you maintaining a prosperous practice that helps many people find deep fulfilment in life and experience tremendous relief, Rev Anne!


Sunshine & Blessings,

Rev. Jennifer Donaldson said...

i know what you mean by thinking you need a focus, but really, you don't really know what exactly others will relate to--- i relate to your spiritual journey, learning to trust your intuition rather than your EFt technique, so do keep it free topically, i will will enjoy visiting. my blog is thrutherose@wordpress.com
love, jennifer